

“y2k Stinger”, Kunsthalle Arbon, Switzerland summer of 2000
“Dibujos de lluvia y otras obras sobre papel”
casa de cultura jaume pastor i fluixa de calp, spain 2000
“Galerie Sechzig” Feldkirch, austria 1996
galerie a , st.gallen, switzerland 1992

rain drawings

pigment and oxides on rives

“Rain Drawings” from monograph

Pigment and Oxides on Rives BFK, 107x78 cm


"Rain Drawings" consists of works created by exposing paper to precipitation in various locations and under different meteorological conditions. The resulting drawings are a documentation of the impact of rain on the terrain of the chosen site. The preparation and pigmentation of the paper is determined by the artist, but the execution of the work is left to the natural process of rain. The title of the series, "Rain Drawings," refers to both rain as the subject of the drawing and the rain as the agency that creates the drawing. The Spain series of Rain Drawings illustrates the chain of infinite substitution and ultimate indeterminacy of the sublime thing. The inner space is created through layers of drawings, with every new drawing slowing down the process of the previous one but still affecting it with fresh pigment and new rain fall.


Kunsthalle Arbon, Switzerland summer of 2000

Y2K Stinger

Pigment and Oxides on Rives BFK, 70x50 cm

“Rain Drawings” Spain series

Pigment and Oxides on Rives BFK, 107x78 cm

“Rain Drawings” Spain series

Pigment and Oxides on Rives BFK, 107x78 cm

“Rain Drawings” Swiss series

Pigment and Oxides on Rives BFK, 70x50 cm

“Rain Drawings” Swiss series

Pigment and Oxides on Rives BFK, 70x50 cm

Rain drawings